WordPress Training Courses & Workshops - Brisbane, Australia

How to Use WordPress

WordPress is the worlds most popular CMS – and the main reason for this is because it is EASY TO USE.  We are ONLY able to offer one day training workshops in WordPress because of this ease of use.

If we wanted to train you how to use Joomla, or Drupal, or (heaven forbid) HTML, CSS or PHP, we simply would not be able to do it in a single day.

WordPress offers a huge range of features and functionality, and although we won’t be able to teach you it all, we are certainly able to cover enough to allow you to add, update and manage content on your site yourself.

WordPress Training Videos

If you search online you will find hundreds of videos which cover various aspects of WordPress Training.  Many of these WordPress training videos are excellent, however because WordPress changes so frequently, many of the WordPress Videos on the web are out of date and can be misleading or confusing when you try to apply them.

Our workshops (and workbooks) are regularly updated to reflect the latest version of WordPress so you can be assured that everything you learn at our workshops about how to use WordPress is going to be relevant and useful for you.